Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama Takes Public Speaking Lessons From George Bush

I have been waiting for six and a half years now for George Bush to leave the White House. Back in 2004 I thought that the voters of America had seen the error of their ways but alas, we were not that lucky. Granted, John Kerry was nothing to write home about but I would of rather seen Mr Ed as president then to see George Bush get reelected. Eight years of Bush administration policies have left the economy in shambles and our reputation around the world badly damaged, perhaps permanently. So far I believe my feelings are being proven right. With an approval rating of just better then Twenty percent Richard Speck was probably more popular then George Bush is at the present time.

I had not been this excited about a candidate for any political office as I was for Barack Obama. He represents a drastic change from this country's political dark ages of the last eight years. Don't get me wrong, I do not think, like many others seem to that Obama can walk on water but to me he represents change at a time when this country and the world need it most desperately.
Obama is charismatic, intelligent and articulate. Then came the moment when he took the oath of office-

I had a laugh, A nervous one. I fear that in the last several weeks he has spent too much time around George Bush. Hopefully this will soon wear off. I don't mind telling everyone that I was disappointed. The last time I felt that letdown was when a girlfriend I once had told me it was the wrong time of the month for her to start a romantic interlude with me. Obama however is entitled to his mistakes just like everyone else. As far as I can tell he has honestly admitted to his shortcomings and for that I give him much credit.

Make no mistake. The job that the American people have in trusted him with is a formidable one. There is not one area of the world today that does not have a political hot spot. I just hope that he can get the best out of himself when he needs to. The future of this country and the world may be riding on it-

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